07/26/2023 - The phone number for the fire department has changed and the phone tree may be reached directly by dialing (205)618-9830. You can still reach the FD by using the (205)678-3375 city phone tree but we have a new direct line.
07/16/2023 - The 1996 E-One Hurricane fire truck surplus sale has concluded with a selling price of $5,000.
07/14/2023 - Stabilization jacks, air bags, cribbing, and thermal imaging cameras have been ordered. Turnout gear is out for bid and new traffic vests have not been ordered yet. This is all part of the FY2022 FEMA AFG grant the department was awarded. The stabilization jacks have come in already but we do not have a delivery time frame on the remaining items as of today.
07/13/2023 - Employee Dashboard is under construction.
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